Life taking over..

I haven’t been blogging much this year.  The past few months we have all been fighting colds or allergies and honestly I just wasn’t up to blogging about all of our sickies and boring you all.  

Melody has been sick the most and is scheduled to see an allergist next week so hopefully we can come up with some type of answers as to why she is sick so often.  We all have allergies of some sort so hopefully we can find out what is really making Melody feel so icky all the time and move on to better things.  She can be healthy..I know that but it would be nice if it happened more than a day at a time.  

Me?  I have been feeling icky on and off too.  My allergies have taken over my life and I just don’t have the energy I should.  Today I woke up feeling achy and tired (I didn’t get to bed as early as I had hoped) and I ended up taking a four hour nap!  Me, taking a nap!??  That hardly ever happens!  I woke up feeling even more achy and just not myself.  Maybe it is the stress I put myself under to get things done quickly in the past few weeks.  (Pattern testing on short notice but loving the results.) Or maybe it is the heart ache thinking about how I lost my father 12 years ago this past Saturday.  It always weighs heavy on my heart and I doubt I will ever truly be past that type of pain.  He was my rock and was always there for me and I miss him dearly.  I take on a LOT of stuff for the girls schools/PTO as well, so maybe I need to start saying NO to some things.  I go to the Dr. in two weeks so maybe she will have some ideas as to why my allergies are acting up so much this year too.  Who knows.  I take on a lot all the time but it seems that recently it is more than normal and even though I am not a “working” mother..I am still a MOM who does it ALL!!  Sometimes I just feel sad, depressed, overwhelmed, tired, fed up, content, happy and just in general a mixture of it no, I am not insane..just normal I guess.  Us Mom’s take on a lot and normally don’t get the credit we deserve.  

Well it is dinner time I better get going.  Melody is finishing up her homework and Kylie is coloring.  Zachary is finishing up one of his weekly chores then likely going to play some video games or read.  I just am looking forward to bedtime!  

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